Half day
HIGH physical demand
El nostre petit territori té de tot i és una sort. No sabem com ho fem però si d'una cosa estem segurs és que trobem com treure-li el bon suc a tot! Aquí a les muntanyes, a l'anomenat Pirineu de Lleida no ens quedem enrere i és que al Pallars Sobirà, al cor de la comarca on estem situats trobem uns dels millors rius per a la pràctica del ràfting, la Noguera Pallaresa!
És un riu molt conegut pels amants de les diverses disciplines de riu i on es disputen diferents competicions tant nacionals com internacionals d'aigües braves com el Ral·li Internacional de la Noguera Pallaresa, el Campionat de Catalunya de Freestyle o el Campionat d'Espanya de Slalom Olímpic.
I, què és això del ràfting? L'has provat mai? És una activitat d'equip on tots i totes, pujats dins una embarcació de goma remant tots a una seguint les indicacions del guia que des de dins la barca va guiant al grup. És molt important escoltar, comunicar-se i sobretot estar atents al brífing inicial de seguretat que es fa a l'inici de l'activitat.
És un esport d'aventura on gaudir de l'adrenalina que ens dóna el riu, de manera segura i divertida. Ho recomanem molt com a primera activitat de contacte amb aquesta mena d'esports, tant si vens amb la família o els amics! I si tens ganes de provar-ho i no s'atreveix a acompanyar-te ningú, no pateixis! També hi ha lloc per a tu!
Fully-personalized courses, we adapt them completely to you. Our courses have a minimum duration of 2 hours, in small groups and always with top quality material. Ask as to give you advise!
Necessary material: kayak, paddle, as well as all the necessary equipment for this practice (booties, wetsuit, jacket, life jacket and helmet) are provided in our facilities. We have boats for initiation level, freestyle, etc.
Guide-technical service.
Corresponding insurances.
What to bring:
A swimming suit, a towel, a good disposition, the desire to have fun and get soaked from time to time. We will take care of the rest.
Dare to lead your own boat and get started in the world of whitewater thanks to our guides!
We offer you a fun descent in an interesting river section where you can get started in the world of whitewater and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of some spots in the Pyrenees.
We meet at 2:45 pm at our base in Sort. Once you walk through the door, let yourself go! We will equip you and transfer you to the starting point of the descent. We will start the activity under the bridge that gives access to the hermitage of Santa Maria de Arboló, after an essential safety talk and a basic practice, both given by our experienced guides.
Just when we begin to feel the first sensations on the raft, we will face "the banana", one of the best and most spectacular rapids in the area. We will also navigate known passes, such as "the curve of Baen" or "the viper" and finally we will arriva at Collegats Gorge, a spectacular canyon with majestic rocky walls on both sides of the river where we will finish this exciting adventure.
Necessary material: wetsuit and wetsuit jacket, booties, helmet, life jacket and paddle.
Round trip transportation from/to our base.
Qualified professional guides
Corresponding insurances.
What you need to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Oh! and a good disposition and being eager to have a good time.
Enjoy whitewater with yourfamily! We propose a 14km descent adapted for adults and children, from Arboló to La Figuereta, where you can navigate for more than 2 hours safely through the most spectacular stretch of river Noguera Pallaresa, Collegats Gorge, the perfect combination of fun and incredible landscapes.
The Arboló - Figuereta section is a perfect descent to start in the world of whitewaters. We will sail and enjoy an interesting section of river Noguera Pallaresa. Combining the excitement of some rapids with spectacular landscapes, at a pleasant and fun pace for both adults and children. We will learn to value and interpret nature through raft navigation, games and the multiple possibilities of fun that an activity such as rafting offers us.
The meeting time is at 2:45 pm at our base in Sort and you will finish at around 6:30 pm at our base.
Reduced price for children under 12 years: 30€/person
This activity is guaranteed with 4 people minimum
Necessary material: wetsuit, wetsuit jacket, booties, helmet and life jacket
Qualified professional guides
Corresponding insurance.
Transfer from/to our base.
What you need to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Oh! and a good disposition and being eager to have fun.
Do you dare to experience the fun of whitewater surrounded by spectacular landscapes? We propose a 19km descent, from Baro to La Figuereta, where you can safely navigate through the most beautiful and remote section of the river Noguera Pallaresa, as well as feel the adrenaline of the different rapids.
The Baro - Figuereta section begins under the bridge located in the town of Baro, after an essential safety talk and basic practice, both conducted by our experienced guides. Just when we begin to feel the first sensations on the raft, we will face “the cake”, one of the best and most spectacular rapids in the area. It consists of 19km where rapids are combined with areas of calm waters. We will also navigate well-known rapids, such as "the banana" or "the viper" and finally we will arrive at Collegats Gorge, a spectacular canyon with majestic rocky walls on both sides of the river where we will finish this exciting adventure.
The meeting time is at 2:30 pm at our base in Sort and you will finish around 6:30 pm, back at our base.
Necessary material: wetsuit and wetsuit jacket, booties, helmet and life jacket
Qualified professional guides
Corresponding insurance.
Round trip transportation from/to our base.
What you need to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Oh! and a good disposition and being eager to have a good time.
Dare to experience the fun of whitewater! We propose an 18km descent from Llavorsí to Sort, where you can safely navigate the most classic section of river Noguera Pallaresa and feel the adrenaline rush of the different rapids.
The meeting time is at 09.50 am at our base in Sort and you will finish around 1.30 pm, back at our base. You will be about 2 hours on the river!
The Llavorsí - Sort section is a very continuous and active 18km descent, with elevation, rapids and guaranteed fun. We will start the journey in Llavorsí, a typical town in the Pyrenees, after an essential safety talk and basic practice, both given by our experienced guides. During the first kilometers, we will find a quiet descent that will allow us to adapt to the natural environment and the material. Gradually, numerous rapids will arrive that will make us enjoy ourselves and which will turn the descent into an exciting adventure. Do not miss it!
Necessary material: wetsuit, wetsuit jacket, booties, helmet and life jacket
Qualified professional guides
Corresponding insurance.
Transportation to Llavorsí, starting point of the activity.
What you need to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Oh! and a good disposition and being eager to have fun.
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