Half day
HIGH physical demand
Has sentit mai a parlar del Barranc de l'Infern? Si ets un amant de les emocions i les activitats d'aventura al mig de la natura aquesta pot ser l'experiència que estaves buscant! Una barreja d'adrenalina, esport, aigua i molta diversió!
Comencem el barranc amb una aproximació per pistes de muntanya... vine ben caçat perquè aquí hem vingut a jugar! Després d'equipar-nos correctament el guia ens farà un briefin inicial per explicar-nos com anirà l'activitat i com ens mourem pel barranc. Hem de presentar molta atenció i, és molt important comentar amb ells si tenim cap molèstia, pors o qualsevol tipus de situació que ens pugui afectar durant el descens.
El barranc de l'Infern té unes característiques ben curioses que anireu descobrint a mesura que us aneu endinsant, tobogans naturals, salts d'aigua, ràpels... un dels més impressionants és el ràpel vertical de quasi 20 metres a través de la Gran Cova! Fa la impressió d'estar descendent al cor de la terra!
Sens dubte un barranc amb molt per oferir que no et pots deixar perdre! Nosaltres el recomanem a persones que ja hagin realitzat barranquisme o activitats similars anteriorment. Si vens a gaudir uns dies pel nord de Catalunya, pregunta'ns per l'Infern!
An exciting activity either for those who have already gone on a canyoning descent before, or who have the minimum basic knowledge that allows them to face this challenge in a safe way.
The meeting time is at 9:00am at our base in Sort. Then, you will follow the guide's vehicle with your car to the canyon location (about 25 minutes from Sort). From the place we will leave the car parked till the entrance of the canyon, there is a 45 minutes walk (uphill) that we will do calmly. Before entering the canyon, we will equip ourselves with all the necessary material while we receive the essential safety talk, as well as the basic instructions that will allow us to move freely inside the canyon. We will descent without haste, discovering all the spots and disciplines that a canyon can offer.
An exciting descent through the most spectacular canyon in our region: Barranc de l'Infern (The Hell's Canyon), which will let us enjoy the beauty of the ravine modelled by the water over thousands of years. We will overcome the different obstacles found during the descent, such as jumps, slides, rappels, etc.
Necessary material: wetsuit, socks, helmet and harness
Qualified professional guides
Accident and liability insurances.
WARNING: Transportation to the canyon is not included, you must reach it with your own vehicle.
What to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Sports and closed footwear (sneakers or mountain boots), which will get wet during the activity.
Spare shoes
Lycra or thermal shirt (not essential)
Enjoy the emotion of experiencing for the first time this type of activity with basic training and practice, which will help you in further occasions to access more difficult descents.
The meeting location is in our base in Sort at 9:30am. From there, you will follow the guide's vehicle with your car to the canyon location (about 25 minutes from Sort). From the place we will leave the car parked till the entrance of the canyon, there is a 40 minutes walk (uphill) that we will do calmly. Before entering the canyon, we will equip ourselves with all the necessary material while we receive the essential safety talk, as well as the basic instructions that will allow us to move freely inside the canyon.
The descent will last approximately for about 2 hours, accompanied at all times by our guides. We offer the perfect canyons to start with, they have a 6-meter rappel, many easy jumps and slides which end at pools of clear water.
There are several beginner level canyons in the area. Depending on the water conditions of that day, the guide will decide which one will be the most suitable.
Necessary material: wetsuit, booties, helmet and harness
Qualified professional guides
Accident and liability insurances.
WARNING: Transportation to the canyon is not included, you must reach it with your own vehicle.
What to bring:
Swimsuit or bikini
Sports and closed footwear (sneakers or mountain boots), which will get wet during the activity.
Spare shoes
Lycra or thermal shirt (not essential)
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